School Supply List
- Preschool
- Kindergarten
- First Grade
- Second Grade
- Third Grade
- Fourth Grade
- Fifth Grade
- Art, Music & PE
Personal Supplies, please put name on these supplies: |
1 |
Backpack to carry between home & school daily |
1 |
Water Bottle |
1 |
Plastic pocket folder with name |
Consumable Supplies |
1 |
Mead Primary composition journal (Office Depot) blank on top with lines on the bottom |
1 |
Box of THICK Washable markers (classic colors) |
1 |
Roll of paper towels |
1 |
Pack of 4 Expo markers (BLACK) |
1 |
Pack of Play-Doh |
3 |
Glue sticks |
1 |
Soft Soap brand NOT ANTIBACTERIAL 7.5 or 8oz |
Optional Items |
Gallon or larger ziplock bags |
1 |
Package of baby wipes |
1 |
Package of reward stickers |
Full Day Preschool Only: Crib sheet & blanket for rest |
Personal Supplies, put name on these supplies: |
1 |
backpack to carry between home & school daily |
1 |
3-ring binder (1") |
1 |
Pair of headphones (NO earbuds) |
Consumable Supplies, names are not necessary as these supplies are shared: |
2 |
Crayola Colored pencils (12 count) |
2 |
Crayola Crayons (24 count, regular size) |
2 |
2-packs of BLACK Expo dry erase markers |
2 |
Watercolor paint sets |
1 |
4 - Pack of Play-Doh |
1 |
Post-it-Notes |
1 |
Package reward stickers |
1 |
Bottle Elmer's Glue for Art - bring to art room Large shirt to paint in |
Good running shoes for PE |
First Grade
Personal Supplies, please put name on these supplies: |
1 |
Backpack |
2 |
Pair of headphones (No earbuds) |
Consumable Supplies, names are not necessary as these supplies are shared: |
2 |
Crayola Colored pencils (12 count) |
3 |
Crayola Crayons (24 count, regular size) |
12 |
#2 pencils (YELLOW, sharpened) |
6 |
Large Elmer glue sticks |
5 |
Composition books - blank on top w/lines on the bottom |
1 |
Pack BLACK Expo dry erase markers |
7 |
Bottom pocket folders with fasteners: solid colors only 1 each: dk blue, orange, yellow, red, purple, green (No printed or decorated folders) |
4 |
Pink erasers |
1 |
Gallon bags |
1 |
Sandwich bags |
1 |
6-pack of playdoh (no glitter) |
2 |
Water color paint packs |
1 |
Washable Crayola Markers for Art - bring to art room Large shirt to paint in |
Good running shoes for PE |
Second Grade
Personal Supplies, please put name on these supplies: |
1 |
Backpack |
1 |
Pair of headphones (NO earbuds) |
Consumable Supplies, names are not necessary as these supplies are shared: |
2 |
1" or 1.5" binders |
6 |
Plastic pocket folders with pockets & fasteners |
1 |
Pair Fiskar pointed scissors |
2 |
Boxes Crayola Crayons |
2 |
Crayola Classic broad tip markers (8 count) |
48 |
#2 pencils - sharpened |
1 |
Containers antibacterial wipes-large |
2 |
Packs BLACK Expo dry erase markers |
1 |
Large pack Post-it Notes |
1 |
Pack of highlighters |
2 |
Hand sanitizer |
1 |
Box Crayola Colored Pencils for Art - bring to art room Large shirt to paint in |
Good running shoes for PE |
Third Grade
Personal Supplies, please put name on these supplies: |
1 |
Backpack |
3 |
Folders - 1 blue, 1 orange, 1 purple |
1 |
Composition Book |
1 |
Pair headphones (no earbuds) |
1 |
1/4" or 1/2" binder |
Optional Supplies: |
1 |
Handheld sharpener (optional) |
Consumable Supplies, names are not necessary as these supplies are shared: |
2 |
Dozen #2 pencils - sharpened |
1 |
1 pair Fiskar scissors |
1 |
Packages of Markers |
1 |
Box Crayola Crayons (24 count) |
1 |
Box colored pencils |
2 |
Packs BLACK Expo dry erase markers |
2 |
Yellow highlighters |
1 |
Pack Post-it pads, any size |
2 |
Bottles hand sanitizer (large bottles are great) |
1 |
Pack ultra find black sharpie for Art - bring to art room Large shirt to paint in |
Good running shoes for PE |
Fourth Grade
Fourth Grade |
1 |
Dozen #2 pencils - sharpened (mechanical not preferred) |
1 |
Hand held pencil sharpener |
1 |
Pack Expo dry erase markers |
1 |
Clorox wipes |
2 |
Big pink rectangular erasers |
1 |
Package colored pencils (sharpened) |
1 |
Pair scissors |
1 |
Pencil bag with zipper (nylon only) |
1 |
12" ruler (inch & metric) |
4 |
Glue sticks |
7 |
Composition books |
8 |
Plastic bottom pocket folders |
4 |
Pkgs Post-It-Notes, standard size (last name A-M) |
4 |
Pkgs Post-It-Notes, small size (last name N-Z) |
1 |
Headphones/earbuds (must have - Dollar Store) |
1 |
Dictionary (from Dollar Store or from 3rd grade) |
1 |
Black Sharpies (last name M-Z) |
1 |
Soprano Baroque Recorder for Music |
1 |
Good pair running shoes for PE |
1 |
Markers/colored pencils for Art - bring to art room Large shirt to paint in |
Fifth Grade
Fifth Grade |
2 |
Headphones/earbuds |
1 |
Supply bag (for pencils, pens, scissors, etc.) |
1 |
Box fine-line Crayola markers (10 pack) |
1 |
Box colored pencils |
12 |
#2 pencils (re-supply as needed) |
3 |
Ultra fine black Sharpies |
1 |
Highlighter |
1 |
Calculator |
1 |
Pair scissors |
3 |
Post-It-Note pads any size |
4 |
Composition notebooks |
7 |
Plastic bottom pocket folders with fasteners 1 each of the following colors: green, yellow, orange, red, blue, black, purple |
1 |
Pack Expo dry erase markers |
1 |
Bottle hand sanitizer |
1 |
Pack of glue sticks (large) |
1 |
Soprano Baroque Recorder for Music (Optional) |
1 |
Good running shoes for PE |
1 |
Pkg Ticonderoga Pencils for Art - bring to the art room Large shirt to paint in |
Art, Music & PE
Grade |
Art |
Kindergarten |
1 bottle Elmer's Glue |
1st |
Washable Crayola markers |
2nd |
1 box Crayola Colored Pencils |
3rd |
Pkg of fine or ultra fine black Sharpies |
4th |
1 pkg Crayola Classic markers (12 count) |
5th |
1 pkg Ticonderoga Pencils |
All Grades |
Large shirt to wear to paint in |
Music |
4th |
Soprano Baroque Recorder |
PE |
K to 5th |
Good running shoes |